Victory’s New Hard-Ball

The custom bagger movement has gained enough traction over the past few years that manufacturers are sitting up and taking notice. While Harley-Davidson has yet to fully embrace the trend, Victory showed it’s nimble enough to come out with a mid-season offering that has is sure to create a buzz on the street when the bike hits the dealerships in early 2012.
The Hard-Ball takes the Victory High Ball concept a step further by blacking out almost every part on the bike, with the exception of the primary cover, clutch and brake levers and a sliver of chrome on the engine fins and lower fork legs. Both “Balls” share the same 65.7 wheelbase, low platform frame. (26.5″) Both cradle the same 4-stroke 106″(1731 cc) / 6-speed 50˚ EFI V-Twin with dual 45 mm throttle bodies. Both have the same height-adjustable ape hangers. What makes the Hardball a bad ass custom bagger are the flat black paint, red pinstripes and two large hard bags which appear to be the same ones used in on the Cross Country line. Specs are posted below the video.
The post Victory’s New Hard-Ball appeared first on USRiderNews.