AMA Hall of Famer Sen. Nighthorse Campbell Hauling White House Christmas Tree Across Country
PICKERINGTON, Ohio — Former Colorado U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, a member of the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame, is behind the wheel of a Mack truck hauling the nation’s 2012 Capitol Christmas Tree from Colorado to Washington, D.C., the American Motorcyclist Association reports.
“It is a privilege to drive the tree for the U.S. Capitol from Colorado this year,” said Campbell, who was inducted into the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2001. Campbell, an avid motorcyclist, represented Colorado in Congress from 1993 to 2005.
Choose Outdoors, a national nonprofit coalition for outdoor recreation, is coordinating the 2012 Capitol Christmas Tree tour with the White River National Forest, where the 73-foot-tall Colorado Engleman spruce tree was harvested.
The almost-four-week-long trip began in Meeker, Colo., where the tree was harvested from the White River National Forest in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. On the way to Washington, D.C., the tree is scheduled to stop in cities and towns in Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
The custom-decorated Mack truck used to haul the tree was fitted with a special cradle to support the tree’s branches.
The AMA and AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame are urging motorcyclists along the route to greet Campbell and the tree during its journey.
The next stop is in Denver from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 11, at the Midtown Development at 6700 Pecos St. The AMA will post route updates on its Facebook page at
To learn more about the 2012 Capitol Christmas Tree tour, go to www.capitolchristmastree2012.
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