You Won’t Believe What This Biker Charity Is Doing With Your Money


Founder Danny Perkins lives in a million dollar condo in Miami and oversees a lucrative money making biker funded charity

Founder Danny Perkins lives in a million dollar condo in Miami and oversees a lucrative money making biker funded charity

When Orlando television news reporter Matt Grant started digging around into the finances of Daytona based BADD, (Bikers Against Drunk Drivers) he hit a stone wall, at least when he contacted the organization directly. BADD is a well known motorcycle charity in Central Florida and is known for it’s motorcycle giveaways. According to records filed with the State of Florida in the three years prior to 2014, the organization collected just over $2.6 million dollars. Those same records indicate the charity has returned just $20,300 to victims of drunk drivers, less than 1% of the money it collected. The president of Charity Navigator, one of the largest non-profit charity watch dogs in the United States said the numbers don’t add up and gives BADD a “zero” rating. Records indicate that the charity’s founder Danny Perkins owns a luxury condo on Miami’s South Beach worth almost a million dollars and which records indicate was paid for in cash and a 27 foot pleasure boat which is registered in the charity’s name. When asked how donations are spent, Perkins told WESH in an email “the charity speaks for itself,”claiming BADD has sent out 5 million flyers and used Facebook posts to encourage people not to drink and drive.


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The post You Won’t Believe What This Biker Charity Is Doing With Your Money appeared first on USRiderNews.

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I was born at night , but not last night ! I have bought several tickets but was skeptical . No more ! I wondered !

Billy G. from Pgh. Pa.

i have donated to this organization quite a fer times with no problem but this year i just happened to notice where i sent them my usual yearly amount via a credit card & they charged me for it,,,then a few days later they tagged me again & i almost didnt catch it so thats my final time to partake with this outfit!! pfft! i dont even want to dig up last yrs’ records to see if i missed that second charge if there was one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Danny Hall

I would like to contact a decision making member of B.A.D.D.RL I

Bob Greer

It is truly in my opinion a scam set up .. I have never even received a receipt for all the tickets I’ve purchased.. it’s sad .. I’m a biker love my Harley friends and have lost a few Thru the years .. not drinking not stupid legendary riders .. people have no respect for bikers ., but with that said ?? Hell I’ll donate locally to people I know are changing and fighting rules .. I’ll not spend more money I’m disabled and no income except living off what I’ve saved! Don’t rob innocent people who are giving when they really didn’t have it to give !!!! I believed in this organization.. I no longer do.

Tammy Ewing

Iam starting to get my doubts about the integrity of this organization. I think I just bought my last tickets for this camaro. My opinion is based on what I have read.

Earl George Harrison

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