FBI Says Owning A Motorcycle Is The Same As Belonging to a Criminal Gang

*NOTE:  The following story is satire, not fact. However the shirt is real.  

An MSNBC reporter, Jerry Lancaster, is reporting something that if true, is at the very least troubling, and as the most, a violation of the US Constitution.  

In a report in the Washington Post, Lancaster says he asked someone who works in the National Security Branch of the US Government, (but did not identify which branch) if  "all registered motorcycle owners are currently showing on a classified FBI gang list?"  

The official, Darrin Cornia, replied "That would be a true statement, the FBI has been collecting and compiling Department of Motor Vehicles and Drivers License Division records for the purpose of adding those that own motorcycles to a classified gang list since 1994."

Cornia went on to say that motorcycle owners are 67% more likely to be involved in illegal or criminal activity that people who do not own or operate a motorcycle.  Cornia also told Lancaster that "Aside from notifying law enforcement that you are a registered motorcycle owner or operator, it can show up to potential employers on select background checks.”




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This is a bogus report… the site linked is NOT washingtonpost.com
It’s spoofed by nationalreport.net on a site they created… washingtonpost.com.co
Even their own site says: Everything we post is satire and fictitious!

Paul DeSize

I guess no one read the header at the beginning stating that this article is satire………………


I ride with the best CMA our leader is Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of All, even for those who choose not to believe. Amen

Steven Chandler

If all people who own or ride a motorcycle are criminals then I guess that includes all the police officers who ride police motorcycles for all the police departments across the country. Something needs to be done about the Feds, I could never understand how people will protest about real stupid shit like in Ferguson but no one wants to demand fucking answers about are constitutional rights to privacy, lets get as many bikers together as we can and lets do a ride to Washington and demand some fucking answers.

Franklin Potter

All I can say is I am a criminal ,I do ride a bike and the Feds can suck my use your imagination lol kids might be readin this to but you get the point 95 percent of them (Feds ) are as crooked as what I just told them to suck get a life and spend the money on something that matters liked our wounded soldiers coming home !!! Buy them a leg or arm if needed so you can add their names to the list also at least they will be riding if they choose to do so !!!

Scott Mann

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